Campaing against High Risk STS Operations


DYNAMARINe registered vessels low STS incident ratio of 1.9% reported for year 2023, was attributed to rigorous actions by our dedicated STS operations Team as well as procedures through continuous support and scrutinization of each STS operation of our clients, with regards to STS locations characteristics, and involved parties such as participating vessels and STS Service Providers.  

Our major task is the assessment of the STS equipment utilized on each STS operation by the Service Providers, to ensure that our clients will receive the best possible available gear, according to regulations and industry best practices. In some cases the nominated Service Provider was replaced, when the operating performance was substandard or of high risk due to various reasons, not in compliance with OCIMF STS guidelines.

Same procedures have been also shared and discussed with the IG P&I Clubs as we have noticed that they have been exposed to potentially high risk STS operations handled from high-risk Service Providers. Although the percentage of such Service Providers is high (with an average of about 70%), the incident ratio achieved was small, due to scrutinization of each STS individually from our Operations Team on 24/7 basis, while ensuring that our client tanker operators and their Masters keep receiving the best possible STS equipment and experienced POACs.

According to DYNAMARINe's data and experience, a high-risk STS service provider can be defined by the following criteria, either individually or in combination: 

1. An STS service provider without verified SMS system  

2. An STS service provider without ISO 9001 or equivalent quality systems  

3. Not in conformity with regulations or Industry Guidelines as reflected during the screening process by the Shipowner 

4. STS service provider that relies only on external/ contracted POACs 

5. Not responding to incidents upon requests from the Technical Operator/ Master engaged in the STS 

6. STS service provider with high incident ratio  

7. Unfavorable screening prior to an STS operation. This criterio is also linked to above item 3

8. Unfavorable feedback from the Master after completion of the STS operation, presented with objective evidence. 

9. Age of STS equipment and access to technical assessment or benchmarking

10. Provision of falsified information and/ or certificates

11. Not saficient organizational structure with respect to responsibilities 

12. Origin and type of Service Provider Clientele 

It is highly important to mention that the ageing of cargo hoses is also escalating further as per the figure shown above. Through DYNAMARINe due diligence, available information at OSIS Database including past performance, STS equipment information, and risk management processes prior to each STS operation, we are initiating a campaign for scrutinizing all available STS gear, such as hoses involved in STS operations. In this way we need to ensure that our registered vessels will receive the best possible and minimum risk service.

It is also equally important to engage the crew in an efficient way to vissually collect objective evidence and assess the STS gear, according to best industry practices.