Managers'STS policies
At BLG 10/15/20-01-2006 it was noted by OCIMF/ICS that "…STS has been proven over a significant period to be able to be conducted safely and without incident
where sound management is applied in all aspects of the operation".
Having that in mind and considering the new MARPOL CHAPTER 8 of ANNEX I related to regulations 40, 41, 42 as well as the fact that OCIMF/ICS is about
to publish the new STS guidelines, it is clear that vetting inspections on board will examine the STS performance of a ship as well as STS OPERATOR’S
Policies at a different perspective that will satisfy certain "Preferred criteria" such as "Performance Monitoring" and "Support of Reputation".
The obvious question raised, is related to the extent that Ship Operators satisfy and/or fulfill their procedures outlined in their STS Plans especially
those associated with the assessment of records. Furthermore the extent they exercise their due diligence in order to mitigate their liability as well as
the liability of charterers and cargo owners will be taken into account.
STS Operations are identified by a sequence of events. On each event Ship Managers and Operators are invited to follow processes that record the procedures followed,
towards safety and towards supporting their TMSA records.
STS events are described in the following figure:
Some KPI’s may look irrelevant to the STS Procedure however; after careful review of references and benchmarking from OSIS we conclude that such KPI’s make sense.
For example, we refer to incident report number 201240 where in the Root cause section the following is mentioned:
"Too much reliance being placed on the mooring master’s knowledge and experience."
Similar remark is noted at the Conger-Saetta incident report on page 32 where it mentions that "Mooring masters’ qualifications and physical condition to
be verified prior to commencement of the operation." Team has developed an audit process on Ship Operators STS Policies associated with above steps. A ship operator that wishes to be audited by a
third organization who is specialist in such policies may contact us in this respect.
Audits on Managers STS Policies may also take place at charterer’s and/or oil cargo owner request.
Policy tuning is an essential "Decision Making" on the basis of each Ship Owners' Policies as those are being implemented in the Vessel Screening Procedure.
Policy tuning identifies the parameters associated with nominated vessels in STS Operations and defines the implemented measures towards enriching safety
and encountered risk mitigation.
Risk mitigation, adoption of policies and procedures and assigned resources are linked to each other. Acceptable levels are associated with the reputation and
commercial impact each tanker operator wishes to achieve as shown on below figures.
Drawing 1. One Exposure Risk Scenario
Drawing 2. A second Exposure Risk Scenario, better than the first
- Night STS operations
- Standing orders to master
- Proactive fender selection
- Risk analysis
- Screening of participating vessel
- Use of past STS data
- Personnel transfer by basket & crane
Legend on Drawings 1 & 2
Drawing 3. STS Policies vs Company’s Resources (cost is one resource….)
DYNAMARINe team has the knowledge and available techniques to support your organization in developing or your STS Policies or supporting your existing
ones with KPI’s. Our Benchmarking analysis and past STS Policy experience aims to enhance your reputation with low cost tools.
Some Good Practices that are proposed to be adopted by Ship Managers are outlined below:
- Make sure that your STS Policies are clear, gradable and not in conflict
- Develop a well-documented Screening Process for STS nominated vessels
- Grade your nominated vessel screening outcome
- Keep a well-documented record of the technical advice to your Masters, especially with Fender Selection, effect of rolling, practices to prevent mooring lines breakdown etc
- Consider at your Risk Assessment the consolidated outcome of OSIS as shown at
- Keep a well-documented track of your STS Operations and the Officers Synthesis. This will save you time when same data are requested
- Assess the records after the completion of the STS Operation
- Create your KPI’s from your assessments and incorporate same at your screening procedure.
For any further information please contact us.