Seafarers training

DYNAMARINe in cooperation with "MARIA TSAKOS TCM Academy" is organizing a bridge simulator training course in Ship to Ship oil cargo transfer operations. Furthermore DYNAMARINe having an expertise in STS operations developed an advanced STS e-learning course, which applies to either shore or ship personnel and enlightens all the tricky and risky areas of the whole STS procedure.
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Online Training

DYNAMARINe having an expertise in STS operations developed an advanced STS e-learning course, which applies to either shore or ship personnel and enlightens all the tricky and risky areas of the whole STS procedure.
Upon successful completion of a course, the candidate will have the technical knowledge required and be assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to ship to ship transfers. The candidate will have gained sufficient knowledge of the industry framework of best practices and the principles associated with key elements and due diligence actions required for safe tanker ship to ship transfer operations.



Target Audience

  • Deck Junior Officer
  • Deck Senior Officer
  • Deck Ratings
  • Shore, HSQE, Vetting Operators



Regulations Addressed

  • IMO MEPC 186(59)
  • MARPOL chapter 8 of ANNEX 1
  • Latest OCIMF/CDI/ICS/SIGTTO STS Guidelines
  • IMO Manual on oil Pollution

Course Objectives

The course provides valuable information related to due diligence issues and best practices that will assist all participants in mitigating the encountered risks, while protecting their ship owner’s interests. Furthermore, candidates after the successful completion of the course will be able to:
  1. Define the procedures that are taking place prior commencement of an STS operation, for the proper preparation of the operation.
  2. Ensure the safety of an STS operation by reviewing all policies and procedures that are in place.
  3. Comprehend when a vessel is not considered suitable for an STS operation.
  4. Avoid relevant future incidents during STS operations by ensuring that an STS operation complies with the requirements set and follows the guidelines, through self-assessment and the vessel inspection questionnaire's (VIQ) questions related to STS operations
  5. Have a good understanding of incident investigation principles and the required actions towards avoiding an incident.

Course Contents

The course provides valuable information related to due diligence issues and best practices that will assist all participants in mitigating the encountered risks, while protecting their ship owner’s interests. Furthermore, candidates after the successful completion of the course will be able to:
  1. Module 1 - General Information for STS operations
  2. Module 2 - Planning the STS operation
  3. Module 3 - Procedures to ensure safety in an STS operation
  4. Module 4 - Vetting Issues
  5. Module 5 - Self Assessment
  6. Module 6 - Incident Investigation


After the completion of all the 6 units, the candidate has to succeed at a 30 minute multiple choice online assessment. This final assessment section consists of 20 multiple choice questions and the passing score is 80% (16 correctly answered questions). The candidate will have in total 2 attempts for the completion of the test.

Course Duration

It is estimated that approximately 8 - 10 learning hours are required to complete this course, in a non-stop mode. This duration includes the time required to follow the program on the computer, as well as the time needed to complete the assessment.

Course Delivery Method

The course is provided online via a specialized training platform. Access is feasible through internet connection from shore based location. The program contains English text with voiceover when necessary, still photographs, video clips, animations and interactive exercises.


Upon successful completion of the course, the candidate will receive a certificate by DYNAMARINe Training Academy, certified by ABS.
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