Training Forum on Ship-to-Ship, Lome Togo, 20-21-22 March 2024


This three-day training course will enrich attendees with the opportunity to gain a thorough insight into the statutory and practical STS aspects according to the applicable regulations and OCIMF STS Guidelines. C/P and SMS Ship to Ship procedures are discussed thoroughly in relation to the industry standards. The course provides the ability of attendance at individual days or alternatively attend all three days to gain the DYNAMARINe STS onboard Inspector against OCIMF STS guidelines. All attendees will gain an attendance certification from DYNAMARINe Training Academy certified by ABS.

DYNAMARINe Co is certified against LR for ISO 9001.

Please download our Brochure.

If you wish to register please complete the form and email us at Limited seats available